Day by day the hygien is going to be increasingly important in our daily life, relating with that the new laws and regulations.
Considerating this importence if a new concept comes in life such as a special feature for developing the cloth of curtains and interior furnishing. It will be a satisfactory if it suits reqirements explained below :
- The fabric will not hold dust and pollens,
- Will get rid of insects, tick and house flies,
- Will be anti-bacterial,
- Will be containing nano parfume,
- Will not being influenced by any dirt, stain, water and juice,
- Will absorbing the bad smells.
In addition to all above, smoking odor will be permenantly removed in the curtains and furnishes as well.
We can permenantly clean the smoke, smoke odors, smoke blotsches from the clothes had been rescued from a fire.
The colours of curtains, veawed by cotton thread, can be changed by itself altering in diffrent colours while influencing by the temparature of the sun.
We can improve the new concept of programs for you to effect these all that explained above. Nevertless to say that this will help to have more custemers in your country and abroad too.
Besides all, also we offer the programs;
For shirt :
- Getting rid of insects, ticks and flies,
- Anti-bacterial,
- Keeping cool in summer, warm in winter.
For tovel, bathrobe, cushion, bed sheet;
- Getting rid of insects, ticks, houseflies, anti-bacterial, altered collours by body temperature,
- For beach tovel, not influenced by water and bach sands.
Ekrem Hayri Peker
Chemicals Enginer