On November 26, the event will be made at Besevler associations Campus

Dear My friends
Textile Research Association regulates an event, every month, for three years with the principle “We should be producing country, we have to established a national economy, we have to sell our products more expensive”. We continue with new activities.
On November 26, the event will be made at Besevler associations Campus:
Presentation subjects:
- Güven Güldoğan , boss of Güldoğan Textile: Dyeing Techniques of Cellulose Fibres and recent innovations in reagents painting
- Chemistry Engineer Tayfun Arslantürk. Parts Washing and Painting Techniques
Activities will begin at 14’30 hours. Participation is free.
Address: Nilüfer Belediyesi Beşevler Dernekler Yerleşkesi Konak Mah. Seçkin Sokak No:23/1 BURSA/TURKEY
Ekrem Hayri Peker
Chemical Engineer / President of Textiles Research Association
You can find more information about our activities at: