1. To produce fabrics perspiration repellent specialty. In the sport wear made with these fabric,perspiration gets out of the inner side of garment.Perspiration is not felt on the body.
2. To obtain elasticity like lycra.
3. To obtain pollen and dust-free specialties. Pollen and dust adhese to the fabric. It is hard to remove.If we applicate pollen and dust-free finishing, these material never adhese and remove by shaking off slightly.
4. To produce insect and flies-free fabrics. When the nanofinishing is applicated,insects get away.
5. To obtain dirt-repellent specialty.It is resistant to 30 times washing off.It is also water and oil repellent..
6. To obtain hottest specialty for sport wears which worn in the winter. We feel 2-3 degree centigrade hotter than another clothes.
7. To obtain coolness fabrics which used in summer. We feel 2-3 degree centigrade cooler than another clothes.
8. To produce absorbing specialty for dirty smell. So,clothes,curtains etc. don’t smell bad.
9. To produce smelling fabrics (rse, lavender etc.).It is said that rose smell has a property removing negative feelings and strengthing memory.Daisy smell gives fresh air effect.It also has antimicrobial effect and absorbing UV.
10. To produce fabrics has skin care effect.These finishing materials contain ceramide,squalene and silk protein.Ceramid makes the skin soft ann silky,Squalene is one of the most antioxidants.It prevents the skin to dry..Silk protein is moisturer.
11. To produce the fabrics which have anti-stress specialty (negative ion property).It neutralizes positive ions in the body and increases metabolism and blood flow. It decreases tiredness.Negative ions come into the body by the way of inspiration and skin.
12. To produce fabric contained Aloe Vera. It have many properties, antioxidant,anti-aging,skin moisturer etc.
13. To obtain fabric antioxidant effect, smelling lily.Lily is the smell of spring.It is believed that ıt strengths memory anad enhances speaking ability.
14. The fabric contains Ginseng.Ginseng has properties to reduce stress and remove muscle pain.It gives the body freshness.It also refreshes immun system.
15. The fabric which contain Vit A,C,E.Vit. A is an antioxidant.Vit C is useful at vary aspect.Vit E is either antioxidant or anti-aging.
16. Easy washable clothes.When the fabric is finished special chemicals,all the spots (coffee,ketchup,oil etc.) are removed easily at the first washing off.
17. The fabrics which have getting thinner specialty.Nono-particuls are cut into pieces by the body movements and get into the skin.These moleculs dissolve the fat under the skin.Increase blood stream end prevent obesity.Contain raspberry,capsacain and squalene.
18. To produce fabrics reflect to the heat for the dark shade clothes.It prevents the heat to reach the body in the very hot weather (even if desert hot) .It also reflects UV.
Ekrem Hayri Peker
Chemical Engineer
1-Peker, Ekrem Hayri- Tekstilcinin El Kitabı Bursa-2011
2- Peker, Ekrem Hayri- Tekstilci El Kitabı İstanbul -2014
3- Peker, Ekrem Hayri- Tekstile Giriş Bursa-2015